Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Ok, so much for the summer-long deadication to the art of Blogging. A whopping 3 posts. How prolific. But, I did find this easy enough to use as an English project, and it will really cut down on the lower back injuries that result from carrying a crate of paper journals around all year. So, I guess it wasn't all for naught.

A few other updates...

Kitty Finn, our beloved, fat, transgendered cat, tore her ACL. You might be asking yourselve how a cat tears her ACL. To answer that puzzle, I've composed the following dramatic re-enactment starring Finn and much more athletic brother, Maxx.

Maxx: Hey Finn. How's it going?
Finn: Zzzzzzz
Maxx: Wanna run around and howl today?
Finn: Zzzzzz merp zzzzzz
Maxx: No, huh? So how 'bout I just bite your head? (bites head)
Finn: Merp merp (runs away)
Maxx: Oh yeah? A runner, huh? (chases fat cat)

(Fueled by terror, Finn mounts the counter top, then the fridge, then the cabinets, and finally lands on the 9 ft plant shelf)

Finn: Hiss Hiss Merp
Maxx: Oh! You want to play mountain-climbers. I LOVE that game

(Maxx follows Finn's path to the plant shelf)

Finn: (now petrified by fear) Merp Merp Merp Merp
Maxx: Isn't this sweet? We're up so high.

(Finn misinterprets Maxx's small for threatening cat-calling, and tries to scale down the opposite side of the 9 ft shelf, but she's too fat to combat gravity)

Finn: MEOW (drags legs around on carpet, hobbles off)
Maxx: What? You don't want to play.


And that's pretty much been my summer.


amypfan said...

For one, I didn't know you had a blog, but am delighted to learn that I am not the only one who finds this a viable mode of communication. For two, I LOVE the dialogue between Kitties Finn and Maxx. I believe that is exactly what was said on that fateful day. And if not, at least it comforts me to know that Ben and I are not the only ones who sit around making up conversations for our pets.

Andrea said...

Hi Al! I also did not know you had a blog! Yay for blogging.

Our cat did not tear anything, but last night when she saw another cat at the back door, she continued to ram full speed into the door until we finally dragged her away for fear that she would seriously injure herself. Cats are strange... ;)