Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thirteen Irrational Fears

So in the spirit of my blogging friends who do these things, I'm doing a Thursday Thirteen. Granted, I'm not really sure what a Thursday Thirteen is officially, but I've gleaned that it's just a list of thirteen somethings. I mean it's not rocket science.

Anyway, here thirteen irrational fears I have about the baby. I figured it would be good to vent them.

1. That the baby will actually be a boy.
2. That the baby will not be healthy.
3. That the baby will be ugly (Suellen has caused this fear because she's certain our ultrasound pictures showed a hooked nose).
4. That the baby will be a unhealthy, ugly boy. This is kind of the trifecta of the first three fears.
5. That the baby won't love me.
6. That the baby will love me, but will then grow up and start following some cultish religion that teaches her she can't love me causing her to stop loving me.
7. That the baby will like pink girly things. Barf-o!
8. That the baby will cause us to become even more broke than we are (which will probably happen), and that I will have a massive panic attack as a result (also a good chance of this).
9. That the baby will get pregnant while still in high school. This is a new one that suddenly came to me in the car last night.
10. That something extraordinarily crazy (tornado, plague, sci-fi like virus epidemic a la Michael Crichton) will hurt the baby and I won't be able to stop it.
11. That the baby will suck up my entire life (again, this will probably happen).
12. That the baby will suck up my entire life, and, despite my best efforts, I will come to resent her for it (I hope to God this doesn't happen).
13. That I will do something stupid that results in hurting the baby, like mistakenly feeding her poisoned plants or bad cheese or something close to that.

Ok. I feel better now. Well, spiritually and mentally at least. Physically, I'm in a great deal of pain because I managed to pull my back, get this, throwing out a toothbrush. I know that's not the real reason - the real reason is that I spent all morning on my hands and knees cleaning the bathroom, including scrubbing the hard to reach places with said toothbrush. So, the garage didn't get cleaned today like anticipated, and we are a little more behind getting ready for Paintfest 2008, which is how we are spending our 4th. But, Suellen's sister Stacy is due to arrive soon, and she's a hoss; so, hopefully she can help me finish moving the furniture. Woo Hoo!


Cathy said...

Boys aren't all that bad, they'll be nicer in to you in high school, and as stressful as an "unhealthy" baby can be, we'll keep praying just the same that you don't even have to go there. But you'll find that you can dig dip and pull out strength that you never knew that you had. Parenthood does that to you too though, and God gives you strength and support to get through it all.

Andrea said...

Those are 13 very normal fears. To ease your mind somewhat, I think I should tell you that the fear most likely to happen is #7 (and I think you can eventually learn to live with the pink). ;)

amypfan said...

I actually shared the vast majority of these fears. I think most parents do. Don't worry, P will be perfect and wonderful and love you very much. After all, my girls do.