Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I've been in a funk lately. If I've seen you lately, I've probably expressed my extreme desire for Suellen to have this baby soon since neither of us has been sleeping now that she's entered the uber-pregnant stage. That, combined with the start of school, has left me really drained. We did go to the doctor today (visit 2 of 3 this week) and Suellen got some pain meds for her lower back spasms so hopefully I'll get some sleep this evening.

But lack of sleep is not what's bumming me out.

I'm pissed because I can't find this poem I wrote when my cousin died. I've been looking for it ever since Kate passed away for no real reason other than I just feel the need to have it. But, it appears to be no where. In searching for it, I re-read a bunch of stuff I'd written in grad school. Then I got more pissed because: A. I haven't written much of anything since grad school, and B. I haven't been able to really access the feelings I'm having lately because of it.

And now I can tell you that pain meds are not solving our sleep problem. Better go try to help.

1 comment:

Krysten said...

Hang in there. I often find that when I want something the most I can never seem to find it. Then one day I'll be digging through something else and there it is.

I can also clearly relate to your lack to sleep and un-desire to be in school while you are not sleeping. Hopefully as the night wore on, things eased up for Suellen. I know Adam's been less than thrilled with my near constant bed movement due to my own lack of comfortability, so I'm sure he can relate to your pain too.

I just keep reminding myself that in the end, I get the best gift ever. I know it's hard to imagine now, but it's only a few more days. You CAN make it! :)