Friday, May 30, 2008

Tornado Ridden Friday

Before beginning the pleasantries of the Friday Fill-ins, let me say this: I HATE SEVERE WEATHER. I don't know what it is, but I am terrified of big storms and possible tornados. In fact, I am sitting in the closet under a pile of pillows with my whole family - Suellen, soon-to-be-baby P, and both cats - as I type this. I only hope I can finish soon seeing as there is no outlet in our closet and my battery is dying.

1. For me nothing is the opposite of creativity. I really do think that you can be creative at anything (cliched as that may sound). You just have to find a different way to approach it.
2. The Undercover Economist was the last excellent book I read (except, I'm still actually reading it, and have been for 6 months - it's hard to read during school).
3. I like fill-ins because they make me write and think about something other than school for a change.
4. In nature I like looking at small mammals or corn fields. It's a toss up.
5. A Democrat should win the US elections.
6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was in AP English on Wednesday when a student asked me how much size mattered. He meant in terms of his essay, but none of us could keep it in.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hopefully not dying in a tornado related incident, tomorrow my plans include grading and whacking down the chest high grass on our easement that I now found out I have to mow and Sunday, I want to sleep, but I have to drive to French Lick to play for a friend's commitment ceremony!


amypfan said...

If we ever have another tornado, you are welcome to come shelter in our basement. That's what Derek and Chris did, and we even managed to play some Beans by candlelight. :)

Cathy said...

You all are welcome here too! Still in one piece?

Andrea said...

I hate tornado weather too and we even have a basement!!!!!