Friday, June 20, 2008

And we're back

For those of you that stalk Suellen's blog, you may have noticed that we've spend a good deal of time out of town recently. Well, we're back, and none of the crazy family time managed to kill us (nor did my mowing of our hugely overgrown lawn when we returned - though the lawn mower did go on strike for about 4 hours in the middle).

Anyway here goes...

1. A smile is sometimes hard to do on command. I'm not a good 'on command' smiler. I always look stupid. This made the baby shower particularly painful.
2. Life Boat is my favorite board or card game, though I usually end up dying.
3. I would love to have more time to read in my life and less work related stress.
4. When I think of the Summer Solstice, I think man it's getting hot outside. Where did we buy this house, on the sun?
5. I just remembered I need to figure out how much mulch to buy tomorrow.
6. One of my favorite song lyrics goes like this:
you'll fight and you'll make it through
You'll fake it if you have to
And you'll show up for work with a smile
And you'll be better
You'll be smarter
More grown up and a better daughter or son
And a real good friend. - Rilo Kiley
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to ComedySportz to celebrate my birthday (yea oldness!), tomorrow my plans include moving furniture and remulching (yea sore back!) and Sunday, I want to remember what it was like to be young and not have a bad back!


Krysten said...

Yeah for being 28! I'll be there in a month, too! Enjoy your weekend! I have to drive 2 hours to pick up my husband, an hour and a half to my in-laws for dinner, and another 2 hours home. Yeah for spending the day in the car! :(

amypfan said...

Ah mulch, how fun. Hope you had a good night out, and happy birthday!!

Andrea said...

LOL everyone feels stupid when they are faking a smile.

By the way, since you guys were in my grade, I'm kinda surprised that you and Krysten are just now turning 28. I'll be 29 in like 4 months (actually exactly 4 months from today!)

Cathy said...

Ahh, mulch, my favorite perfume, Eau de Pew. Happy Birthday!!! What it is about crappy backs under the age of 30? Not cool. Sorry yours stinks, may you get a restful rejuvenating nap.