Friday, September 12, 2008


Parker Alyse LaMagdeleine Sharp
Born Thursday, Sept. 11 at 9:16 pm
9lbs 11oz, 21 inches

She has curly reddish brown hair (a lot like Suellen's) and hasn't opened her eyes yet so I don't know the color. Parker was delviered by c-section. It was not an emergency, but Suellen's labor was not progressing after 14 hours, and Parker is moose, so the doctor didn't want to mess around. Parker was taken from delivery to the NICU because her oxygen levels were low. She was screaming when they pulled her out, so she most like inhaled a bit of fluid. She was started on oxygen through a CPAP (or something close to that, it's the tubes you see in her nose in the one photo). She was weened off the CPAP this morning and is being monitored without. All seems to be well, but she has to stay in the NICU until at least Saturday night. We'll know more then.

Thanks for all the good thoughts. Keep them coming!

Alicia, Suellen and Parker


Rebecca said...

Congrats! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

Lauren said...


Andrea said...

Congrats!!! :)

Cathy said...

Woo hoo!!!Congratulations!!
Baby Baby Baby Beautiful Baby!!!!