So Amy tagged me to this task, and since I feel the need to make up for not posting on Friday (and since Amy guilted me on her blog), I'm going to give it a try.
What were you doing five years ago?Five years ago I was finishing my graduate coursework, and we were getting ready to move back from New Hampshire. Suellen packed up the apartment and moved early in the summer while I finished my final actual classes; so I spent a month sleeping on the floor, eating take out, and taking care of our cat Maxx who had recently broken his ear.
What are five things on your to-do list for today?1. get up a butt-crack of dawn and go to Suellen's school (already accomplished as I am sitting in her office right now)
2. 'chaperone' IPS All-City Marching Band in the 500 parade (see previous post)
3. grade the monstrous pile of work that has stacked up over the week while 'chaperoning' the 500 Parade
4. set up our new grill which my parents are finally bringing down from Chicago today
5. visit with my parents while enjoying our new grill and deck
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Nachos, of any kind, from virtually anywhere
2. Sour cream and onion potato chips
3. Cheese and crackers (or really cheese and almost anything)
4. Cheezy-weenies (a LaMagdeleine, and now Sharp, holiday gathering food, which while extremely yummy, I've never managed to make cosmetically appealing)
5. Carmel sudaes with whipped cream, nuts and a cherry
What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?1. buy a bigger house with a basement closer to work
2. buy my grandparent's old farm for my Mom to retire to and to take the baby to in the summers
3. reserve donor 5668 to have another baby
4. pay off our college debt and start a college fund for the babies
5. set up a foundation to support education initiatives for low to middle class families to attend different schools if their public systems aren't meeting their needs.
What are five of your bad habits?1. bitting my fingernails
2. compulsively checking my email
3. not responding to email (or other messages), which is odd because I compulsively check them
4. losing my temper too quickly
5. stressing out when I shouldn't
What are five places you have lived?1. South Holland, IL
2. Butler (and various surrounding crappy apartments)
3. Dover, NH
4. Behind the WalMart on 86th (won't be doing that ever again)
5. Brownsburg, IN (well, it's not technically Brownsburg - it's a Brownsburg-Clermont-Indianapolis hybrid no-mans land of suburban sprawl)
What are five jobs you've had?1. Andy's Hot Dogs
2. Jo-Anne Fabrics
3. Butler Campus Operator
4. Toxicology Collection Scheduler (a.k.a. pee collector)
5. teacher at UHS (by far the best of the group)
What five people do you want to tag?Alright, I'm copping out on this one, because I'm not sure anyone actually reads (or stalks) my blog since I post so infrequently; however, if you read this, consider yourself tagged.